Appreciation for the UnitingWorld Board
As we came to end of the 2019-2021 triennium, UnitingWorld celebrated some significant milestones that required visionary leadership from our Board.
The journey of the past three years has seen UnitingWorld restructure the teams to merge two business units (Relief & Development and Church Connections), integrate finances into a single set of books, unify under a single Mandate and a single Board, with DFAT accreditation across the whole agency rather than one unit.
In 2020, UnitingWorld completed the final stage of this transformational journey, winning the support of the Assembly Standing Committee and successfully registering with the Australian Charities and Non-Profits Commission (ACNC) with our own ABN as a Public Benevolent Institution.
We wanted to acknowledge the excellent work of Dr Andrew Glenn, the retiring Board Chair and the significant contributions of members of the Board during a transformational period.
Andrew Glenn (BSC Hons, D Phil, FAICD)
Andrew’s engagement with UnitingWorld has spanned nine years. As Chair, Andrew has spearheaded the recruitment and induction of new Board members, as well as playing an active role in both Board committees.
In the Board room, Andrew has brought structure and discipline to proceedings, championing the use of the consensus process; encouraged robust debate, never shirking complex challenges; and fostering a generous and inclusive culture where all participants felt welcome and safe to make their contributions.
Andrew’s contributions to UnitingWorld outside the boardroom have been as significant as those inside.
He has been a tireless advocate for UnitingWorld within the polity of the church, leading our engagement with the Assembly Standing Committee, the Assembly Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and the Assembly Investments Advisory Committee. It is a tribute to Andrew’s leadership and vision that UnitingWorld’s relationships with these councils have been both productive and supportive.
His warm pastoral concern for the staff of UnitingWorld has made him well-loved by the team, as has his generosity with his time and expertise. He will be sorely missed.
During his tenure, Andrew has undertaken several additional projects for UnitingWorld above and beyond his role as Chair. He has played a key role in maintaining our quality systems by regularly auditing our compliance with policies and procedures, and once travelled to Papua New Guinea to conduct a hugely successful workshop on the ‘Theology of Good Governance’ with our partners the United Church of PNG.
David Hodges, Tina Rendell-Thornton, Margaret Watt and Paul Swadling.
This past year also marks the conclusion of service for several other Board members who had served their full nine years on the Board.
David Hodges has been an able Chair of the Finance Audit and Review Committee and a thorough and engaged member of the Board.
Margaret Watt stepped down in early 2020 as Chair of the International Programs Committee, but continued to serve on the committee and has been a strong advocate for our partners.
Paul Swadling also finished his service in mid-2020, having thoughtfully contributed to the Church Connections National Committee, and then as Deputy Board Chair of the Board.
Tina Rendell-Thornton served as Chair of the Governance and Compliance Committee of the previous Relief & Development National Committee.
The loss of David’s legal acumen and eye for detail, Margaret’s expertise in international development and government relations, Paul’s understanding of the UCA and fundraising and Tina’s incisive analysis and knowledge of cross-cultural engagement will be deeply felt by the Board.
Above all, their passion and commitment to the work of UnitingWorld, their love for our global church partners and the generosity of spirit and service they brought to us will be profoundly missed.
UnitingWorld has been extraordinarily fortunate to have the commitment, energy and wisdom of the members of the Board.
We honour and give thanks for the contributions during the last triennium of all the Board members spread across the nation, listed here in alphabetical order:
James Batley, Lin Hatfield Dodds (incoming Chair), Andrew Glenn (retiring Chair), David Hodges (retiring), Ashleigh Johnston, John Manning, Renee O’Shanassy, Tina Rendell-Thornton (retiring), Paul Swadling (retired), Warren Tapp and Margaret Watt (retired).
We are also grateful to those who served on Board subcommittees, including Carolin Leeshaa, Kylie Schmidt and Nacanieli Speigth.
They have all overseen a period of significant change and shown discernment on the issues, significant wisdom and great good will. We have been fortunate to have their commitment and assistance.
Thank you so much for your valuable service.
The UnitingWorld Team