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The developments in Afghanistan have been heartbreaking. It's easy to feel helpless, but there are actions we can take. As the Taliban entrench their hold on the nation, tens of thousands of people have been displaced from their homes and face an uncertain future. Despite [Read More]

The 16th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia approved the appointment of Lin Hatfield Dodds as Chair of the UnitingWorld Board in July 2021. Lin Hatfield Dodds (pictured centre) brings a wealth of expert knowledge and experience to the Chair of the UnitingWorld Board. [Read More]

As we came to end of the 2019-2021 triennium, UnitingWorld celebrated some significant milestones that required visionary leadership from our Board. The journey of the past three years has seen UnitingWorld restructure the teams to merge two business units (Relief & Development and Church Connections), [Read More]

Every young person values their independence. Raj is no exception. His goals include having enough money to buy all the slippers he wants, and never marrying. And while these may seem modest desires, the fact that they're top of mind for the nineteen year old [Read More]