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The singing. It’s one of the real joys of visiting our partners across the Pacific, Asia and Africa. Long flights, lack of sleep, hard pews and lengthy sermons in a language I do not understand – these things mysteriously melt away as the opening chords [Read More]

Read our Quarter 3 Update Newsletter about why we joined the Global Climate Strike, what your gifts are achieving in Timor-Leste; the launch of our Theology of Disaster Resilience in a Changing Climate, North Rockhampton Uniting Church’s fundraising activities to support women in Kiribati, and [Read More]

As protests escalate across West Papua in Indonesia this week, the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) has called on member churches to pray for justice and peace in the region. In a statement released yesterday, the PCC condemned “institutional racism against the indigenous people of [Read More]

Colleagues and friends of Rev Dr Seforosa (Sef) Carroll gathered at St Stephens Uniting Church in Sydney on Tuesday to say farewell and celebrate Sef's work and ministry. Since joining UnitingWorld in 2014, Sef has been a been a powerhouse of theology, church partnership-building, teaching [Read More]

Last week I had the great privilege of attending the Annual General Conference of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga (FWC) with Uniting Church President Dr Diedre Palmer. The day we arrived in the capital Nuku'alofa we were swept up in the famous hospitality and [Read More]

Teetering on the edge of drought, one of our sheep farmers in Victoria knows the importance of planning and preparing for disasters. His decision to give more than $5,000 to our Disaster Risk Reduction appeal came the day before his property received heavy rainfall that [Read More]