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I read recently that Australians have never been more generous – some of them, anyway. Super wealthy, generous individuals are giving like never before. Their projects of choice? Things with measurable outcomes and big legacies. Medical research is a good example. Let’s find a cure [Read More]

Here’s an interesting fact. In 2016, a  survey of ordinary Aussies by the Campaign for Australian Aid found that most people believed the Australian Government was spending about 13% of our total budget on foreign aid. “Way too high!”  the people shrieked.  “What about those [Read More]

In a report to the Uniting Church in Australia’s 15th Triennial Assembly meeting in July, UnitingWorld has highlighted the success of a collaborative, network-based approach to community development. In a sweeping review of three years, the report details the impact of UnitingWorld’s programs across an estimated [Read More]