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UnitingWorld is proudly part of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA), founded 46 years ago today. Our anniversary is always a chance to remember the justice commitments we made to this nation and our world as a community following Christ. Last year I shared some [Read More]

We’re excited to welcome Rev Dr Apwee Ting as our new International Partnerships Manager. In the role, Apwee will nurture connections between the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) and partner churches overseas, as well as facilitate theological and missional dialogue within the partnership networks. His [Read More]

"As Christians, we are called to walk or to voyage in the way of Christ. To tread lightly on the earth and to sail gently on the seas. We are called to act justly, to be compassionate and to live humbly with our God." As [Read More]

Rev Dr Steve Bevis is Minister at Burwood Croydon Uniting Church and Chair of the UnitingWorld Board. Blog Originally published on the Burwood Croydon Uniting Church website here.  Burwood Park is classic European Australian park at the edge of a now-bustling urban centre. People stream [Read More]