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Church Partnership for Community Service (PNG)

UnitingWorld and our partner, the the United Church in Papua New Guinea (UCPNG), have been part of the Church Partnership Program (CPP) since its beginning in 2004. It is now one of the longest ongoing projects of Australia’s aid program. The CPP supports churches in Papua New Guinea to improve their capacity to deliver crucial health and education services, especially in rural and remote areas, as well as a broad range of activities in support of gender equality and social inclusion, peace and prosperity, and disaster risk reduction.

The current work in this project has four pillars:

  1. Organisational strengthening of UCPNG’s Development Unit, including staff capacity building and strengthened governance and financial management systems and processes.
  2. Developing capacity for collaboration to solve local development problems, including working with government agencies and CPP partners to achieve change.
  3. Exploring and developing a unique UCPNG social accountability approach connected to theology, leading to increased participation of UCPNG leadership, communities and colleges in social actions, public campaigns, and advocacy to government.
  4. Integrating Gender Equality, Disability Inclusion and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) throughout the program, with the stated outcome that “Church leaders will actively promote gender equality, disability and social inclusion” through awareness, strengthened policy and procedures, increased social action, and increased participation by women in leadership and decision-making in UCPNG.


The Church Partnership Program is supported by the Australian Government through the Papua New Guinea–Australia Partnership.



Use our resources on gender equality theology in your church or Bible study group! Download them here.

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Bible Studies on Human Dignity and Equality

-Rev Dr Cliff Bird and UnitingWorld









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The Theology of Gender Equality

-Church Partnership Program

“The Theology of Gender Equality is built upon ten, theological principles that enable participation and inclusion of both men and women in creating and sustaining communities that reaffirm, respect, and celebrate that being female and male are divine gifts.”






Banner image: Photo by Vika Chartier on Unsplash


Papua New Guinea


United Church in PNG


Climate Resilience, Gender Equality, Good Leaders, Strong Institutions, Poverty Alleviation

News from the field

  • Year 19 of the Church Partnership Program in Papua New GuineaYear 19 of the Church Partnership Program in Papua New Guinea
    Since 2004, the governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) have worked in partnership with PNG’s seven mainline churches and their respective Australian partners to promote ‘holistic, inclusive, and sustainable development’ under the Church Partnership Program (CPP). UnitingWorld and our partner, the the United Church in Papua New Guinea (UCPNG), have been part of the CPP since its beginning. It is now one of the longest ongoing projects of Australia’s aid program. The CPP supports churches to improve their capacity ...
  • PNG village unites for clean waterPNG village unites for clean water
    A community in Papua Guinea came together to construct a system to improve the water quality of their entire village.  In the remote village of Masingara in Western Province, the people have been determined to improve the quality of life in their community.   For years, people in the area had been sourcing their water from an unprotected pond outside the village. Despite it being fed by a natural spring, the water quality was very poor and people had to travel long distances ...
  • Time is running out to prevent catastrophe in PNGTime is running out to prevent catastrophe in PNG
    COVID-19 cases are rising uncontrolled in Papua New Guinea, putting thousands of people at risk in remote areas without access to clean water or adequate health care. The outbreak has also exposed Australia’s north to a new wave of infection. The Australian Government has responded to the emergency with a plan to immediately send 8,000 COVID-19 vaccines to PNG alongside an Australian Medical Assistance Team. The aim is to protect front line health workers, but the long-term race to vaccinate people ...
  • COVID-19 crisis response in Papua New GuineaCOVID-19 crisis response in Papua New Guinea
    Frequent and proper hand hygiene is one of the most important measures to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks. Our partners the United Church in Papua New Guinea (UCPNG) are working across 17 communities in Milne Bay province to run COVID-19 awareness sessions and installing handwashing stations with soap, instructional posters and steps so children can reach (see left of pic 1). Supported by the Australian Government Disaster READY initiative, UCPNG and other PNG church partners will be helping support the immediate needs of almost ...
  • Equality through theology in Papua New GuineaEquality through theology in Papua New Guinea
    Biblical training continues to help unlock chains of oppression for women in Papua New Guinea, one of the toughest places on earth to be born female. Many of you have heard about our gender theology work for women’s equality. Last month thirty-four men and women from all seven of the mainline church denominations in Papua New Guinea met together to continue to champion the cause. Each received intensive training in gender equality from the Bible and is passionate about influencing gender ...