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10 Christmas gift ideas that don’t cost the planet

We all like to say Christmas isn’t about the presents—and we mean it. 

Ask around. It’s about family and friends, neighbourhoods alive with connection, and intergenerational debates over the holiday playlist (Taylor Swift or Mariah Carey? Elvis or Bing Crosby?). 

It’s a time to reflect on the gift of God’s grace, to be present with those we love, and to share kindness and gratitude. And yes, we give presents! But there’s a downside… 

Each year, Christmas fuels a massive surge in global consumption, and our planet is paying the price. We buy more, travel more, and produce nearly 30% more waste than at any other time of the year.  

The maddening part? A lot of what we give isn’t even wanted! (an estimated $921 million-worth in Australia each year!*) 

Polling by the Australia Institute found that over 6 million Australians expected to receive gifts they would never use or wear last Christmas. Nearly half of adults (48%) wish people would stop buying them presents altogether. 

Yet, despite this, the vast majority of us still love the act of giving. We want to be generous; we want to show our loved ones we care. But we also care about the planet, and we’re starting to realise we can’t keep adding to the piles of ‘stuff.’ 

Thankfully, there are plenty of alternatives!

Here are 10 Christmas gift ideas that show love for both people and the planet… 



1. Give a gift that fights poverty!

What better way to affirm someone you love by giving on their behalf to a person or community who really needs it? It honours your generosity and theirs, it’s useful and doesn’t contribute to more ‘stuff’ in the world.  

Looking for gifts like that? Check out the Everything in Common gift Catalogue: www.everythingincommon.com.au

2. Give an experience 

Instead of generating more stuff, why not generate some great memories? Whether it’s a voucher for a favourite local restaurant, tickets to a sporting event, or a relaxing massage or sauna, experiences create opportunities for quality time, connection and shared joy. Post-COVID, many small businesses could use the support, and there’s no better way to foster community than by enjoying a great meal or fun activity together.  

 3. Give something that grows 

Is it fair to say plants are universally loved and timeless? You can never have too many. They live, breathe, and brighten up any space. Plus, the receiver can use cuttings to propagate more, give them as great gifts themselves and spread beauty and sustainable giving for years to come. Let’s create jungles, not jumbles! 

 4. Give second-hand or local 

Opt for pre-loved treasures or locally-made items. You’ll reduce your environmental footprint while supporting small businesses and fostering a sense of community. I recently picked up a handmade wooden dinosaur from a men’s shed fundraiser that my two-year-old is 100% going to love. (It’s a green brontosaurus that bobs its head and tail as you roll it along). With so many local community groups struggling right now, it’s a great way to help financially if you can’t volunteer time. 

5. Repair, regift or upcycle something you already own 

Instead of buying new, think about sprucing up something you already have that could make a unique gift. Upcycle old furniture, clothes or household items and turn them into something new and exciting for someone you love. It’s creative, thoughtful, and sustainable.

Get some inspiration from the pros selling on Etsy.

6. Give time and attention  

Christian theologian and activist Simone Weil once said, “attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” In our era of smartphones and algorithms and distraction, giving your time, energy and attention to someone might be the best gift you can give! 

Babysitting so a couple can have a night out? Gardening help for an elderly family member? You could even pledge your time in a card with an explanation and deadline, so they know you mean business. 

7. Donate in someone’s name 

Make a donation to a cause that matters to a friend or loved one. Whether it’s a local or international cause, a gift has the power to make a real difference in someone’s life or for the environment. It’s personal, meaningful, and aligns perfectly with the Christmas spirit of giving. 

You can even make an online donation as a ‘secret santa’ gift to your loved one.

8. Give a digital or subscription gift 

Subscriptions to streaming services, audiobooks or digital magazines eliminate the need for physical products and packaging. You can even gift memberships to services like a virtual yoga class or an online creative workshop. It’s a way to give something fun and useful without adding clutter or waste. 

9. Give homemade 

There’s something extra special about a gift that’s been made by hand. Whether it’s baked goods, homemade jam, or a hand-knitted scarf, these kinds of presents are personal and meaningful. They also avoid the environmental footprint of mass-produced goods and packaging. 

Get some inspiration from Adamstown Uniting Church ‘s Pudding Kitchen.

10. Give sustainably 

If you do want to buy something new, choose gifts from companies that are committed to sustainable practices. Look for products that are organic, fair trade or made from recycled materials. Ethical shopping means your money is going toward businesses that are trying to make a positive impact on the world. 

Vote for a better world with your choices this Christmas – but don’t stop there.  

We know that overcoming the global challenges we face, especially the climate crisis, requires more than individual action. We need transformative changes to our political, economic, and social systems to truly tackle the root causes of climate breakdown. 

But individual choices are still important. They send signals to businesses and policymakers, spark essential conversations within our communities, and build momentum for the collective action needed to drive systemic change. 

While our gifts may seem small, the shift in mindset it represents is powerful.  

This Christmas, let your choices be part of a larger movement to protect our planet. Together, we can push for the deep, structural changes the world needs and inspire much-needed hope along the way. 

 Original artwork in header image by Cocoon Creative for our SHOP FOR THE PLANET gift card.