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Kiribati Gender Equality and Climate Resilience

We are supporting our partner, the Kiribati Uniting Church (KUC), to continue promotion of theological messaging on Gender Equality, through local media and through posters and Bible studies that can be distributed to outer island communities along with workshops. The KUC vision for Gender Equality will also be promoted through road shows in several locations, making the message well known and understood by all.

During 2023-2024, the next phase of this project will be designed through dialogue and consultations with stakeholders and local communities, including a new design to guide KUC’s gender equality and disaster resilience program. An important part of the project is safeguarding and inclusion to make it easy for all to participate, including women and girls, people and children with a disability and other vulnerable groups.





Kiribati Uniting Church


Climate Resilience, Gender Equality