As followers of Jesus, we’re called to stand alongside those who are working for justice around the world and particularly to help give a voice to those who struggle to be heard. We’re the modern day prophets: defending those who are weak, speaking the truth to those who are powerful. It’s not an easy job.
This week, we hope you’ll enjoy hearing about the work our partners are doing in their own communities to speak up for justice and peace in places where it’s desperately needed. Throughout Asia, Africa and the Pacific, these communities are passionate, well equipped and vocal about their own needs and how they can bring about solutions to their own problems.
In Fiji, for example, the Methodist Church is deeply committed to finding solutions to the problem of changing climate, which has a major impact on the poorest among them but impacts most of their islands in various ways. 45 communities already need to be relocated because of high tides that are reclaiming homes, schools and graveyards. The Church is holding four days a year where local congregations reduce their use of energy – using public transport – get involved in clean ups, plant trees and speak up about the need to care for creation. It’s a humbling display given that Fiji’s environmental footprint is so small in contrast to Australia’s.
Pacific nations have also been vocal at the Paris Convention calling upon leaders to commit to targets that will impact most upon the most vulnerable nations of the world. These leaders understand the nature of changing climate and are not silent in the face of the future. They need our support to convince western nations to take responsibility for the burdens they place on those who have not caused, and have the least resources to deal with, the impact of changing climate.
You can find out how to SPEAK UP for responsible environmental policies by checking out the work of our partner here in Australia, Micah Challenge.
Another organisation doing great work among our partners is MeDRA – the Methodist Relief and Development Agency. Read about the creative work of people who’ve been equipped to speak up for the poor in their midst through MeDRA’s training. And find out about how YOU can advocate for more support for excellent in-country initiatives like this by speaking to our political leadership about the need for us to continue our Australia Aid program. You can join the campaign for Australian Aid here.
UnitingWorld is committed not only to seeing you, our supporters, well equipped to providing support for people who struggle with poverty, but also to equipping our partners to find their own solutions and give voice to their own needs. You can be part of that through our crucial leadership training programs.