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National Council of Churches in Pakistan Church of Pakistan Presbyterian Church of Pakistan Respected church and ecumenical leaders in Pakistan, We are deeply shocked and saddened to receive the news of a suicide bomber killing more than 70 people and injuring more than 300 others [Read More]

I was in West Papua recently on my first field trip with UnitingWorld, where I had the unique opportunity to meet with our partner, the Evangelical Christian Church in the Land of Papua and visit their P3W project (short for Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Wanita). P3W [Read More]

Over the past two years, UnitingWorld has worked with our partner churches, Indonesia Christian Church (GKI) and Evangelical Church in the Land of Papua (GKI-TP) to form a three-way partnership. The partnership is designed to improve the quality of Christian education in two provinces of [Read More]

A group of West Papuan students have formally joined the Uniting Church as they become members-in-association. They come from various parts of Papua and West Papua provinces in Indonesia, and currently attend St John’s College in Darwin. The congregation at Philadelphia Indonesian Uniting Church in Karama [Read More]

As followers of Jesus, we’re called to stand alongside those who are working for justice around the world and particularly to help give a voice to those who struggle to be heard.  We’re the modern day prophets:  defending those who are weak, speaking the truth [Read More]