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UnitingWorld is praying for Papua New Guinea and our thoughts are with our partners as student demonstrations and unrest continues today in Port Moresby and in other parts of the country. [caption id="attachment_25424" align="aligncenter" width="150"] People have been showing their support online using the hashtag [Read More]

“My letterbox is full of guide dogs and children in refugee camps and blind people and endangered orangutans and Royal lifesavers (complete with budgie smugglers) and still you keep coming.  You keep asking me for money.  Don’t get me wrong. I like your cause. I [Read More]

Why should we send money overseas to look after others while some of our own homeless, indigenous people and elderly aren’t adequately cared for? Great question.   “Charity begins at home” and there are still far too many people in Australia who live in poverty. Most [Read More]